2.1. Visualize categorical data

Let’s work again with counts_anno file.

Now we load the data and consider only 2 columns (biotype and chromosome) as factors. Let’s also use the first column as row names.

Anno = read.table("http://edu.sablab.net/rt2018/data/counts_anno.txt", header=T, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE, row.names = 1)
Anno$gene_biotype = factor(Anno$gene_biotype)
Anno$seqname = factor(Anno$seqname)
## 'data.frame':    55804 obs. of  8 variables:
##  $ gene_name   : chr  "TSPAN6" "TNMD" "DPM1" "SCYL3" ...
##  $ gene_biotype: Factor w/ 28 levels "3prime_overlapping_ncrna",..: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ...
##  $ seqname     : Factor w/ 24 levels "1","10","11",..: 23 23 13 1 1 1 1 19 19 19 ...
##  $ start       : int  99884983 99839799 49551773 169822913 169631245 27939633 196621008 143816984 53363765 41040684 ...
##  $ stop        : int  99894942 99854882 49574900 169863148 169823221 27961576 196716634 143832548 53481684 41067715 ...
##  $ strand      : chr  "-" "+" "-" "-" ...
##  $ length      : int  2968 1610 1207 3844 6354 3524 8144 2453 8463 3811 ...
##  $ gc          : num  0.441 0.425 0.398 0.445 0.423 ...

Let us plot some factorial data. For example, we can check how many genes are annotated in each chromosome.


Hmm… not too nice! We lose some chromosome names and they are sorted wrongly! Let’s improve

Anno$seqname = factor(Anno$seqname,levels=c(1:22,"X","Y")) 
plot(Anno$seqname, las=2, col="skyblue", cex.names =0.7,cex.axis =0.7, main="Number of annotate genes", xlab="Chromosomes", ylab="Genes")

Pie-chart can be used as well (though not recommended). Here are biotypes in this “ugly” representation :)

pie(sort(summary(Anno$gene_biotype)), col=1:nlevels(Anno$gene_biotype), cex = 0.8) 
title("Biotype of Annotated Genes",sub=sprintf("There are %d genes in total",nrow(Anno)))


2.2. Simple scatter plots

Let’s see whether there is some dependency between gene length and GC-content. In order to improve representation - consider log2-length

plot(log2(Anno$length),Anno$gc,xlab="log2 length", ylab="GC-content")

It seems, there is a structure… Let’s improve visualization, showing coding genes in green, and lincRNA in red. We can use RGB coding of the colour adding transparency (format: #RRGGBBAA, RR - red in hex, etc)

## define colours
color = rep("#00000011",nrow(Anno))
color[Anno$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"] = "#0000FF33" 
color[Anno$gene_biotype == "lincRNA"] = "#00FF0033" 
color[Anno$gene_biotype == "miRNA"] = "#FF000033" 

## plot
plot(log2(Anno$length),Anno$gc,xlab="log2 length", ylab="GC-content", pch=19, col=color)

## add legend
legend("topright",legend =c("other","coding","lincRNA","miRNA"),col=sort(unique(color)),pch=19 )

## add horisontal and vertical lines corresponding to mean values
abline(h=mean(Anno$gc[Anno$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"]),col="#0000FF",lwd=2,lty=2)
abline(h=mean(Anno$gc[Anno$gene_biotype == "lincRNA"]),col="#00FF00",lwd=2,lty=2)
abline(h=mean(Anno$gc[Anno$gene_biotype == "miRNA"]),col="#FF0000",lwd=2,lty=2)

abline(v=mean(log2(Anno$length[Anno$gene_biotype == "protein_coding"])),col="#0000FF",lwd=1)
abline(v=mean(log2(Anno$length[Anno$gene_biotype == "lincRNA"])),col="#00FF00",lwd=1)
abline(v=mean(log2(Anno$length[Anno$gene_biotype == "miRNA"])),col="#FF0000",lwd=1)


2.3. Distributions and box-plot

Distributions can be shown using hist() or plot(density()) functions.

hist(log2(Anno$length),probability = T, main="Histogram and p.d.f. approximation", xlab="log2 length",col="gray")

Now let us build a standard boxplot that shows GC-content variation for chromosomes. We will use formula here: ‘variable’ ~ ‘factor’. It is the easiest way.

boxplot(gc ~ seqname, data=Anno, col="gold",las=2)
title("GC variability",  ylab="GC-content",xlab="Chromosome")
## add average GC level


2.4. Heatmaps

Heatmaps are a useful 2D representation of the data that have 3 dimensions. Example: expression (dim 1) is measured over n genes (dim 2) in m samples (dim 3). Heatmaps will automatically cluster the data (see Lecture 9). Let us make a heatmap for internal Iris dataset. We should also transform data.frame to a matrix

Let us first load a gene expression dataset and select some important genes for visualization.

## load oncogenes 
oncogenes = scan("http://edu.sablab.net/rt2018/data/oncogenes.txt",what = "")
##  chr [1:17] "SOX2" "PDGFRA" "FGFR1" "WHSC1L1" "CDKN2A" "TP53" "NFE2L2" ...
## load RNA-seq data for lung squamous cell carcinoma patients
Data = read.table("http://edu.sablab.net/rt2018/data/counts.txt",header=TRUE,sep="\t",row.names = 1)
## 'data.frame':    60411 obs. of  18 variables:
##  $ SN327: int  11404 95 5058 4015 4137 266 77088 98 29717 1285 ...
##  $ SN328: int  4652 112 4899 7001 6626 1161 41068 118 13984 1908 ...
##  $ SN349: int  12880 107 5948 6573 4753 523 67236 169 25633 1952 ...
##  $ SN354: int  5252 149 6508 5730 4728 813 56781 250 10469 1830 ...
##  $ SN405: int  7752 169 4596 5858 2926 221 62818 159 13303 1326 ...
##  $ SN449: int  12215 161 4009 4811 3754 620 70614 67 16995 1281 ...
##  $ SN450: int  10898 86 5288 5010 3051 1012 107658 142 20073 1592 ...
##  $ SN667: int  9793 370 4371 4905 3563 118 78049 98 27813 2248 ...
##  $ SN679: int  7039 340 3560 4215 2478 949 62394 120 6482 1036 ...
##  $ ST327: int  1768 32 3346 6450 8849 46 27302 125 165479 1653 ...
##  $ ST328: int  3944 7 5062 6055 5424 1483 24056 185 47563 2947 ...
##  $ ST349: int  4703 54 5837 7117 7773 644 22856 178 94699 2573 ...
##  $ ST354: int  6323 247 8614 5027 8724 83 8912 79 8426 3487 ...
##  $ ST405: int  1496 16 2546 4677 6252 120 27303 143 70070 1364 ...
##  $ ST449: int  5547 33 4912 6942 9630 693 15821 217 87792 2248 ...
##  $ ST450: int  6467 131 5055 4591 7006 1053 33937 101 104311 2242 ...
##  $ ST667: int  2136 43 4608 3955 4599 180 14647 154 41703 1185 ...
##  $ ST679: int  2778 123 1938 1945 2587 909 13117 179 6037 1818 ...
## we need to get oncogenes... but annotation is not the same!
## so we should rename based on Anno table
ensg = rownames(Anno)[Anno$gene_name %in% oncogenes]

## extract data and put it into matrix
X = as.matrix(Data[ensg,])
##  int [1:15, 1:18] 4654 23527 149 60890 44450 72 3325 968 25234 0 ...
##  - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   ..$ : chr [1:15] "ENSG00000077782" "ENSG00000079102" "ENSG00000079999" "ENSG00000109670" ...
##   ..$ : chr [1:18] "SN327" "SN328" "SN349" "SN354" ...
gene_name gene_biotype length gc
ENSG00000077782 FGFR1 protein_coding 12698 0.5543393
ENSG00000079102 RUNX1T1 protein_coding 13527 0.4224884
ENSG00000079999 KEAP1 protein_coding 3761 0.6269609
ENSG00000109670 FBXW7 protein_coding 4842 0.4078893
ENSG00000116044 NFE2L2 protein_coding 5907 0.4472660
ENSG00000118046 STK11 protein_coding 8504 0.6633349
ENSG00000134853 PDGFRA protein_coding 9732 0.4298192
ENSG00000141510 TP53 protein_coding 3924 0.5259939
ENSG00000147548 WHSC1L1 protein_coding 9923 0.4241661
ENSG00000147889 CDKN2A protein_coding 4400 0.5736364
ENSG00000162733 DDR2 protein_coding 3777 0.4919248
ENSG00000178568 ERBB4 protein_coding 13007 0.3954025
ENSG00000179603 GRM8 protein_coding 6183 0.4636908
ENSG00000181143 MUC16 protein_coding 43524 0.5027801
ENSG00000181449 SOX2 protein_coding 2508 0.5071770
heatmap(X, main ="Oncogenes")

Not very beautiful clustering. What can we tell about the data in X?


The distribution is strongly right-skewed! It is hard to work with such data! Let’s log-transform the data and build another heatmap.

heatmap(log2(1+X), main ="Oncogenes")

Now ST (tumour samples) and SN (normal samples) are clustered together. To finalize - let’s visualize in a more beautiful way, colouring the groups and setting comprehensible gene names.

XAnno = Anno[ensg,]
rownames(X) = XAnno$gene_name

# more advanced heatmap
color = c(SN="green",ST="orange")[sub("[0-9]+","",colnames(X))]
heatmap(log2(1+X),ColSideColors = color,col = colorRampPalette (c("blue","wheat","red"))(1000))

For more advanced heatmaps - you could check pheatmap package.


2.5. Output “devices”

To open new window use x11().

Please run line-by-line:

x11()  # try x11(width=8, height=5)
plot(X["TP53",], pch=19, col = color, cex=2,xlab="samples",ylab="counts",main="TP53 expression")

## now save into PDF
plot(X["TP53",], pch=19, col = color, cex=2,xlab="samples",ylab="counts",main="TP53 expression")


  1. Visualize distribution of gene lengths (log2) for protein coding genes and lincRNAs in one plot. Hint: use lines instead of plot to add more data to the same plot.

plot, density, lines

  1. Draw boxplots, showing variability of the gene length over various biotypes.


  1. Make a scatter plot showing relation b/w 2 genes ENSG00000079102 (RUNX1T1) and ENSG00000162733 (DDR2). Hint: these genes are among oncogenes and should be in your X matrix.

> plot