Statistical Data Analysis in Excel
LuciLinx-2013 Workshop
14-01-2013, Luxembourg

Based on Lecture Course for MISB students of Luxembourg University
, Luxembourg

Genomics Research Unit, CRP-Sante

  • 1.Introduction
  • 2.Interval estimations
  • 3.Testing hypotheses
  • 4.ANOVA
  • 5.Linear regression
  • 6.Advanced topics
  • Function Reference Card
  • Practical Tasks


  • UniLu: University of Luxembourg
  • LuciLinX: Luxembourg Bioinformatics Network
  • CRP-Sante: Centre de Recherce Public - Sante
  • SABLab: Systems Analysis in Biology webpage

  • CC-BY-ND P.V.Nazarov
    You are free to use the information presented here for your own education or non-profit activity. Please cite the source.

    The course gives an overview of applied statistical data analysis in Excel. It is oriented at researchers, engineers and students, who having no advanced knowledge in statistics, use or would like to use its methods in their practice. Practical examples (conducted in Excel) are integrated into the workshop, allowing immediate application of the obtained knowledge.

    Offered by: LiciLinx, CRP-Sante, University of Luxembourg
    When: 14 January 2013, 10:00 - 17:00
    Where: University of Luxembourg, Batiment des Sciences (Info Room 3) (map)
    Duration: 8-hour course (4+4)
    Note: we have 16 PC available. But, please, feel free to take your laptops with you.

    The lectures covers the following topics:

        Section I. Introduction to statistics
    • Descriptive statistics: numerical measures and graphical presentation
    • Detection of outliers using z-score. Chebyshev's theorem
    • Discrete probability distributions
    • Continuous probability distributions
          Section II. Sampling statistics and interval estimations
    • Sampling and sampling distribution
    • Central limit theorem and its practical outcomes
    • Interval estimation for the means and proportions
          Section III. Testing hypotheses for means
    • Hypotheses about mean and proportion
    • Unpaired and paired t-test
          Section IV. ANOVA
    • 1-way ANOVA
    • 2-way ANOVA
          Section V. Linear regression
    • Simple linear regression
    • Statistical significance
          Section IV. Advanced topics
    • Multiple hypothesis testing
    • Chi-square test of independence
    • Simulation-based analysis

    1. Anderson D.R., Sweeney D.J., Williams T.A. Statistics Business and Economics, 9th ed.
    2. Glover T., Mitchel K., An Introduction to Biostatistics, 2nd ed.
    3. van Belle G. Statistical Rules of Thumb, 2008, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ


          Dr. Petr NAZAROV
             Genomics Research Unit, CRP-Sante, Luxembourg

    In the case of mistakes or possible copyright violations, please, contact the webmaster. Last update 14-01-2013