Introduction to R
LuciLinx-2009 Workshop
10-09-2009, Luxembourg
  • Presentation (part 1)
  • R Reference Card
  • Official R Webpage

  • DATA

  • Part 1. Introduction to R
  • Part 2. Advanced Analysis

  • You are free to use the information presented here. Please, make a reference if you use the presentation.

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    Leaded by
          Petr NAZAROV (Introduction to R)
          Thomas UDELHOVEN (Advanced Analysis)

    Biologists are increasingly recognizing that statistical data analysis is crucial for handling and understanding the vast majority of experimental data that are now being collected. This course provides the kick-start for those, who are interested in using R-language for the analysis and manipulation of their experimentla data.

    The lecture covers the following topics:

          What is R? Where to find relevant manuals, books, etc?
          Data types and basic operations
          Data import and export
          Basic statistical analysis
          Linear models for data analysis
          Multivariate analysis
          Principal component analysis

          Luxembourg Bioinformatics Network LuciLinx:
          Dr. Petr NAZAROV
             Microarray Center, CRP-Sante, Luxembourg
          Dr. Thomas UDELHOVEN
             Geomatics platform, CRP-Lippmann, Luxembourg

    In the case of mistakes or possible copyright violations, please, contact the webmaster. Last update 10-09-2009